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What We Do



All kinds of support people use everyday.


Advocacy is about speaking up for yourself.

Advocacy is about standing up for your rights.

Day Supports

Day Supports give people an opportunity to be active during the day.

These supports are provided in across a number of centres in Cork City and County.

Therapy and Multidisciplinary

Therapy and Multidisciplinary covers many different types of specialised individual supports.

Each staff member works to create support that is person-centred.

Outreach Support

Outreach Support is when the staff providing support travel to where the person who needs the support is.

This allows Cope Foundation to offer services to people who might not normally be able to get them.

Supported Employment

Supported Employment helps people to find a job.

It also gives people the skills they need to do well at work.


Services available to children who are aged between 0 and 6 years old.

Therapy and Multidisciplinary

Services available to school-leavers who have entered 3-year learning programmes.

Supported Employment

Support for people looking for work.

Day Supports

Services for people looking for a permanent or temporary residence. 

Outreach Support

Outreach Support helps us provide services to people who might not otherwise have access to Cope Foundation services.