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What We Do



Advocacy is about speaking up for yourself.

In 2013 we set up an Advocacy Working Group to work on Advocacy for Cope Foundation.

Staff, people we support and outside organisations work together on this group.

We wanted to support different areas in Cope Foundation to set up and run local advocacy groups.

Local advocacy groups change things for the better in centres and for all the people supported by Cope Foundation.

We do different advocacy projects.

We make reports to the Leadership Team and the Board of Directors on Advocacy.

We work on lots of different Types of Advocacy.

We are trying to raise awareness about Advocacy in Cope Foundation.

Our Advocacy Champions are people that are really passionate about Advocacy.

We have both people we support and staff that are advocacy champions.

We have a group of Self Advocates that do a lot of work on teaching others about Advocacy.

Self advocates talk to staff at induction to help them understand what it is like to be supported by Cope Foundation.

We are making Advocacy Roadshows to teach people more about speaking up for themselves.

Self advocates also visit schools and companies to raise awareness and promote Cope Foundation.

If you would like to contact someone about Advocacy you can talk to

Daragh Forde, Advocacy Officer of Cope Foundation on 086 7030728 or forded@cope-foundation.ie